Friday, March 13, 2009

Second Life Preparation

Hi All!
Here are several tasks for you to start play with the Second Life virtual environment. They are really easy and fun.
1. hardware preparation: since this is an online 3D software, plz use a faster computer, or the delay when you are playing will make you very frustrated.
2. Get and account. No matter if you have an account or not, you can click "Log in" to proceed. I believe you know very well how to register in an website. Just one thing to remember, you can only choose your "family name" from a list, rather than come up with one by your self, so don't forget it, or you won't be able to log in.
3. download the client software.
4. to know how to move around (arrow keys), and especially, how to fly! (keep pressing "W" key will let you fly, alt key plus your left key on the mouse will help you change your view.)
5. if you wish, change your facial appearance and clothes. (right click your avatar and left click "appearance")
6. "teleport" to a specific place, for example, to location (128,128,29), and tell me what it is:) It's in the "map" button.
7. find out an island that related to your professional interest. e.g. Mark can tell us a biology island. (see task 8 if you don't know how to search)
8. talk with people in that environment. If you cannot find any, go to "help people island" (click "map" button at the bottom of the screen and type "help people island" in "search" textbox.)
9. have a look in you inventory. make a blow kiss. (It's in the "gestures" folder. I believe you can figure out how to do it:)
10. add me (Toxy Magic) as your friend (by clicking "communicate button at lower left corner")
If you can do these ten things, I believe we will have a wonderful class meeting in SL after spring break. If you cannot, please check the following video to find it out. or you can do google search, it's more direct.

Visit this address for more information

1 comment:

MWalvoord said...

It actually took me quite a while last week to get setup. Downloading a newer version, finding my old ID/login, figuring out how to jump to a location. The most surprising thing was the lack of islands that popped up when I searched for "biology." I'd been hearing so much about SecondLife, I just assumed it was a large community/resource. But, it appears it is not yet. I did enjoy "getting back" to the UNC-Chapel Hill campus, where I worked for a couple years. Almost felt like I was there (even though they only have a few buildings built in SecondLife).

Anyway, I look forward to interacting during class, to get the full experience.