Sunday, June 24, 2007

Millions of Us

a splinter faction, hiding out in the hills of San Francisco...

read their "about us" - no mention of the word education... hmmmm...

also, Gaia - interesting, more anime like, game like for the teens who enjoy that

I believe, that this virtual world phenom will expand, SL will implode like Netscape did as they are burdened with the weight of being the trailblazer and struggle to keep their original idealism and intent manageable in the face of a competitive market and litigation and the adult content issues (remember, Netscape introduced many of us the web using a "browser"...), competitors will spring up, divert the resources and attention, and in the end, it will be, as Millions of Us clearly states, about "the future of marketing, technology, entertainment and brand-building".

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