Tuesday, June 12, 2007


I recently learned about a new "toy" that has an online game component called Webkinz. Webkinz are plush pets that come with a secret code that provides entry to Webkinz World, an online world where kids can interact with their virtual pets, answer trivia quesitons, earn KinzCash, play games, and chat with each other.

The process requires purchasing a WebKinz, creating an account at WebKinz World, going through a pet adoption process, setting up a room for your pet, making purchases and "caring" for your pet. The site advertizes to partents that interaction with WebKinz World will help to teach their children responsibility, how to care for a pet, and how to earn money. I wonder if the experience provided with a WebKinz pet can teach what it would be like to care for a pet. Having a couple of cats myself, I have a difficult time imagining that this type of virtual experience would really teach someone how to care for a pet...especially since a real cat is much more difficult to forget about or ignore when it crawls into your lap making demands...KE


tcarroway said...

Kris, holy cow! I totally didn't even see this blog post you made an hour before I posted mine!! Sorry if it seems like I'm copycatting or if it seemed like I was responding in a strange way to your blog post... 100% coincidence!! Check out the link I posted in a comment on my post though... kinda funny and a little bit of reality. Like when you buy the really expensive toys for your pet and they prefer a stick or a ball of tin foil instead.

micah_gideon said...

Isn't this like saying that buying your child a Cabbage Patch Kid (or whatever today's equivalent is) will teach your child to care for a baby!