Monday, June 4, 2007

Now this is getting weird...

You may have to hire virtual lawyers...


micah_gideon said...

That's disconcerting. Half of me wants to dismiss it and half wants to take it seriously.

tcarroway said...

Not sure what we're talking about? Some slice of the video? Anyways, why not virtual lawyers, we already rely on people thousands of miles away we never see, meet, or know - to deliver medical, engineering, science, and other critical services. And what about these online chat services for tech support... I'm not convinced yet there's actually a human at the other end... maybe the use of a captcha from the user's side would help us determine if we're speaking with a bonafide human being with a pulse or a smart AI app...

Dan said...

Tom -- The link was obsolete; I updated it with the original Washington Post article.